Using this mostly as a garden set-up occasional range trip now, heres my thoughts on it.
1. Super accurate after update and set-up properly as in 8ft infront of ball and behind, I find chipping works so much better if the device is a few inches above the ball, i got a stand for it off etsy around £40 comes with a laser pointer built in works a treat and 3 point height adjustment. Worth it for sure. set it up right first time and youll have no stress or missreads, dont be a caveman and throw it down expecting it to work flawlessly.
2. Saves a fortune on range fees for someone who wants to practice reguarly. Ie. £12 for 100 balls at the range 4x a week averages to £192 a month. (currently hitting around 200-300 shots a 5x a week at home on my rapsodo and RPT balls) so I'll realistically getting my money back over range fees in in 4-5 weeks.
3. Using simspace home net and matt bundle I got for Xmas off Amazon, with it to, saves me so much time in my day not driving to the range to practice between rounds and its huge! iI have full confidence smashing full iron and wood shots into that thing, and the mat is Great!.
4. My friend is a GM at the local range with TopTracer and we both agreed the doppler tracking and ball/club data and flight on some shots was more accurate and reliable when used at an actual range than Toptracer.
5. Game improvement!!!!! as long as you practice good drills and understand your own golf shot/ shape and what to fix personally have seen a drastic improvement to my game, litteraly in just 2 weeks of owning this product, my ball contact and striking is super consistent between trips to the course now and im dominating all my friends.
6. Not had one connection issue so far and set uo is easy if you have a basic level of Tec-knowhow and make sure everything is updated to the latest firmware.
The biggest factor for me is money, if say you're hittin 150 wedge shots, 150 irons and 50 woods you will HANDS DOWN save a fortune compared to the range and improve far faster than you ever would without it. saving on time and conenience as a home set-up. Honestly id buy this product in heartbeat if it somehow broke which i doubt cus its build quality is mega. For the family individual this is great too as your not ditching the fam to go range but also not neglating training.
I genuinely havent experienced anything negative that i've read in the other comments / reviews. I think since the new update this product is absurd value for money.